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The Aviston American Legion Mondt-Lampe Post 1239 was chartered in 1956. The first building was in the Imming Furniture store. Many great stories are still reminisced about the good times in the old furniture store.
The current building was dedicated in 1961. When construction was completed the building was appraised for $56,000. The bar upstairs as we know it today and the Club Room downstairs was not there. Continued upgrades, maintenance, and a lot of hard labor by members and Aviston residents was the foundation for the Legion we know and enjoy today.
The Mondt Lampe Post 1239, chartered in 1956, is a dedicated group of men who have given so much for many, many years to make the Legion was it is today. Some have given their lives. The post is named after Pvt. Urban Mondt of Aviston who died on September 28th, 1918 fighting in World War I. Sgt. Joseph F. Lampe also of Aviston died on January 19, 1945 during World War II.
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